Our Specialties

Among our specialties most appreciated by clients are green walls and green roofs. They represent a strong trend in urban landscapes, whose many inhabitants wish to bring the benefits of nature and ecology to the city. What better for that than to bring an abundance of plant life to the walls and roofs of our cities?

We also possess the necessary expertise to complete all the construction work related to your landscaping needs: production of basins, walls, terraces, metalwork, etc… We will undertake the work ourselves or bring in specialized partner companies.

What’s more, we have the tools and expertise necessary for any transplanting or new planting of trees you may require. As an example and proof of the quality of our work, we were chosen by the famous Jardin Exotique de Monaco to move their greenhouses to a new site!

Of course, we are always well-prepared for the most frequently requested services, such as automatic watering, pruning, felling, grass cutting, maintaining grounds and all other gardening tasks.

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